How I became a CBD Oil Advocate and Producer.

How CBD Oil for Pain Relief Changed My Life

CBD Oil has actually changed my life, and for the good!

I used to take 30 – 50 mg of Oxycodone each day for pain from previous neck and back injuries. If you have ever taken opioids then you know how miserable you can get from the side effects. I went to pain management every month for years, got injections and got more pills. I decided one day to look into alternative medicine and other ways to treat my condition and get healthy.  The first thing I did was to change my diet and eat healthier. I began with vegetables, lean meat and protein, and I started losing weight.  I also started experimenting with CBD oil for pain relief that I had heard so much about.

It was hard at first to stay on a clean diet and to remember to take the CBD for pain relief twice a day, but soon I noticed that I was losing weight, was less tired and had more energy. I began taking fewer and fewer opioids, and feeling better and better. When I told my doctor what I had been doing, he told me to continue that plan of care if it was working.

Fast forward: Today I do NOT take any opioids.

I am a firm believer in the power of the Hemp plant as alternative medicine! I now take CBD oil every day and I am pain free. I also use the CBD salve for restless leg syndrome and I sleep so much better.